Home » Anatoly Motkin to The Peninsula: Qatar is a key player in global digital transformation

Anatoly Motkin to The Peninsula: Qatar is a key player in global digital transformation

Anatoly Motkin, President of StrategEast, provided an interview to The Peninsula on the sidelines of the prestigious Web Summit Qatar 2024, shedding light on Qatar’s pivotal role in the global digital transformation landscape.

In the interview, Mr. Motkin emphasized Qatar’s significance as a key player in driving digital transformation on a global scale. Acknowledging the nation’s commitment to innovation, he highlighted the unique opportunities that arise from Qatar hosting the Web Summit for the first time.

Mr. Motkin delved into the impact of strategic partnerships and collaborations between Central Asian, Caucasus nations, and the Gulf, an engaging topic discussed during his participation in the Web Summit panel titled “The Emerging Tech Hub in Eurasia.”

The President of StrategEast expressed his optimism about the potential creation of a new technological hub, emphasizing the role of education in nurturing talent and fostering regional cooperation. The interview delves into Motkin’s insights on the convergence of regional efforts and global connectivity, positioning Qatar as a catalyst for innovative initiatives in the digital realm.

For a detailed exploration of Anatoly Motkin’s perspectives on Qatar’s role in the global digital transformation landscape, you can read the full interview on The Peninsula’s website.