Home » USAID helps Kyrgyz sewing companies to export their products
Central Asia Kyrgyzstan

USAID helps Kyrgyz sewing companies to export their products

As a part of BGI (USAID Business Growth Initiative), 5 sewing companies of Kyrgyzstan signed contract for $1,5 million with foreign retailers (retail sale of goods to the end user) a number of which received request for the preparation of more than 200 samples of clothing and offers. Paul Hamlin, the specialist on economic development in USAID, said that the BGI project is working to improve economy through the textile clothing, tourism and construction.

“We help to Kyrgyz sewing companies to export their products abroad: to Europe and other CIS countries. The task of our project is to invite international experts to the country so that they can see with their own eyes and appreciate goods which produced local companies,” he said.

In August last year Kyrgyz clothing brands Nazik and Zorin delivered the first orders to Melon fashion Group (MFG), one of the largest clothing retailers from St. Petersburg. This year, sewing companies completed and delivered 13 orders for sewing women’s clothing for the Melon Fashion Group, total amount of which amounted $500 thousand.
